Monday, December 27, 2004

Here I am, sitting here as I do each year, wondering what to do what ALL THIS STUFF:)
Like everyone else, we just celebrated several Winter Holidays, and the gifts and crafts are pile to the ceiling. I have fallen right into the whole "out with the old" thing. In the last two days I have removed an amazing amount of NOTHING from my home-it's amaziong how it piles up. I just did this over the Summer, and yet here I am again...
The kids didn't get all that much-compared to past years which have been insane. One year a grandmother shower up with 9 55 gallon trashbags full of gifts-for TWO children. She now has MANY grandchildren to buy for in the family-and I am all the more grateful to get less. We just have NO room.
We did break down and get the kids a cheapy little plug in video game. It's that little plug and play Ms Pac Man. My husband and I have been stealing it from them-it's really cute. I only bouhgt it so that I could have something "worthy" to "take away" if the kids don't focus on school work and chores. With Skye, it's always the computer-she LOVES it, and will get any amount of work done to spend time on paintshop pro or checking out her email. With the boys, well, I didn't have much to go on. They have SO many toys that nothing really means anything. Jordan tends to get a little "passionate", ok, obsessed, with things, and that's a level there...The video game is working wonders-the kids are getting SO much done to earn an hour a day before bedtime. This has TOTALLY blown away wanting to watch TV as well....They also got Battleship, Yatzee and Boggle for the car and waiting for other's to practice things, etc.
They got a ton of books, Leap Pad stuff, magnet sets(3), drawing books, art study books, legos, software and crafts...And here I sit, in our schoolroom, trying to figure out where it's going....It's not like anything is LEAVING the schoolroom-not with ANOTHER child sitting in for formal math and english (Jule's!) this February...(he is starting Singapore on his fourth birthday)
I have no idea where it is going...I think I will need a week to re-organize it...( I LIKE to organize, thankfully:))
Off to fold laudry-I haven't posted her so ling, I just thought I'd pop in.

Friday, September 17, 2004

It's Thursday night, the week has been calm, and I am not so much looking forward to the weekend...If it rains, which is likely, it won't be too bad...Although I will get serious "sad face" when soccer is canceled...! If it does NOT rain, which is likely, cuz, this is Maryland, soccer will happen, and I will spend a total of eight hours at the field on Friday and Saturday...Again, not bad, but I have BOXES and BOXES of work to do this weekend, and I want it done by Monday so I can have more!
I am tired, this week wore me out. We got a ton of lessons done, more then planned actually...We missed out on our co-op meeting this week, due to several issues...Most of which were from the extended family. Things are not good...I hope, each day, that my in laws know that they can trust my judgement and care with my children....their grandchildren. They are in constant turmoil over the lives of their other seven grandchildren, and it has taken a great toll on them. I truely believe grandparents should be "special" people in a child's life. Mine were, my husbands were. My friends speak of grandparents and memories with such heartwrenching love...Yet, my children don't have that. It's been overshadowed by family issues, immaturity, personal agendas and worse. In my mind, I dreamed of a homeschooling family where the grandparents were very involved, taking trips with the kids, taking interest in curriculum choices, enjoying time spent in the learning process...I thought awesome relationships would be formed...And, why not, I saw those kind of relationships with the first few grandchildren-on both sides of the family. I saw, and participated in those types of relationships with my grandparents. (may their souls rest in the joy of my memories) My husband's biggest hero is his grandfather....who, is sadly passed as well. I just had more expectations for relationships and love...Instead, well, we got a lot of stuff from the dollar store, and bang up Christmas gifts. Appreciated, yet, not what we were looking for.
Enough on that. :)
My kids are amazing. They have taken the bull be the horns this year in school. Curriculum is just FLYING through the house....They are finishing up their language arts work at such a pace! My daughter, who would not READ two years back, is flying through fifth and sixth grade vocabulary and reading comp workbooks like mad. (she is in fourth grade). Our one pitfall is Math. I think we have decided that we don't like Saxon Math. We are so far ahead on all subjects- but behind on math. I find us doing other things to satisfy math. I need to get my head straight though, and figure out the issue. Is it boredom? On my part? On theirs? Is it the time constant? Is it the fact that we all want to BANG our heads on the table halfway during the lesson??? (Maybe we should...!) I have invested a TON into this program, and I want to see it work...Jeez! I have to get over this....
I am yawning...I have a teacher dedication this week at RE, which is Sunday School for those that follow a more tradition crowd...Soccer and Fellowship wear me out on the weekends, it's the insane schedule change....Ed's been working from noon to after 2am this week...He is there now, almost 12midnight....They want him in at 8 am tomorrow.....Overtime...But still....He will work through the weekend, surely, and into a third week of no time off....On top of soccer and Fellowship this weekend, I have many boxes of work to attend to, and more after that. We are also getting ready for the Fall, which begins next week, and we plan to celebrate our favorite season with great joy and much excitement! Tomorrow we will spend time on crafts, and perhaps some Fall cleaning and organizing.....(I have a craft closet that needs work, and crafts to follow! Yay!:))
Ok, about to PASS OUT from exhaustion....

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Well, here we are, several weeks into a new homeschooling year...Exhausted! LOL!
This year has started better then usual, actually, No one got sick, no one needed several doctor appointments, and I didn't even throw out my shoulder. We did, however, lose a printer. We also found out, in the process of replacing it, that our computer has almost NO temporary memory (RAM), contrary to what we were told at purchase. This being the reason for frozen programs and stalled computers. We (I) learned alot about the workings of computers this week, and look REALLY forward to removing the cover and adding new memory this weekend....!!!
This year has already presented many challenges. Our schedule is an ongoing battle. I seem to be the only person that understands(or cares about) the insanity of living this "second shift" schedule. I feel quite positive that I have spent the last several years catering to the specific schedules of everyone I know, yet have been met with blank/unyielding stares when I actaully SAY that we aren't really into mornings, that they are extremely difficult for us. Because of this, our lives have changed in ways I never considered, our friends have changed, and the way we spend our time has changed. Mostly for the better, thankfully.
Our new schedule has us doing chores and finding playtime in the am hours, usually up around nine to eat, do chores, and plan our day. At 10, the kids usually go out to play with Daddy, sometimes they work in the garden together. Around 11am, the older kids start lessons with five different subjects of Language Arts, the younger play cars...We break around noon to eat with daddy, then go outside to say goodbye and chase him up the street...LOL:) After that, we jump back into lessons with either History or Science, while the younger boys continue to play upstairs with building toys, blocks, Leappad and more...At 2, I work a brief time with my kindergartner, reading letter books, handwriting, site words and phonics pages. Usually the youngest, 3 1/2, joins us. The older children complete writing work for science and history during this time, and sometimes do a chore or two. Sometimes they watch a science/history video. I then spend some time working individually with one of the older children, doing math, working on other subjects that might need extra help from me. Around three or so, I take a break, usually to watch Dr Phil and eat a small snack, make phonecalls and catch up on laundry. This is art/music time for the kids. Four o'clock has me back with an older child, working on Math and etc again. Then it's math concepts with the younger til five or so. Usually I spend some time working on plans, calendars, co-op stuff while they finish lessons, get chores done and prepare for dinnertime. Sometimes we run errands before dinner....Sometimes dinner gets eaten at 8pm, and soccer practice has us running all night, then eating at 9:30pm....Chores, baths, pjs...and it's 10pm!!!! Which leads us to the last, and, obviously, least important, time of our day-TV time. Sometimes, if closer to 9, the kids watch a rented movie from the library, sometimes, if later, they watch "Who's the Boss", "Cosby", and once in a Blue Moon, Lizzie McGuire...Most nights they opt out to play, surf online, or read, and that's fine by me. I don't know HOW I managed to raise children that don't need television, don't even seem to care, but I am I NOT complaining!!!!!!:) The kids head to bed between 10 and 11pm, helping to keep them sound asleep til a "daddy decent" hour of 8:30 or so. He arrives home sometime between 1am and 4am.....I doze after 1:30am, if I am not working on something, but don't really "sleep" til he is home safely....Sleep is wild and waning here.....!:) Some nights I write til the am, when he gets home, some nights I read....Sometimes I watch really bad rerun tv all night!
We do the library two, three times a week, soccer three nights and all day Saturdays from 8am on (yes, mornings!), dance once a week, co-op on Wednesday, playdates on Fridays, and now, ME, being a Religious Ed teacher on Sundays...
Someone in the neighborhood-with ONE small child, I might add, asked me two weeks back what I "did" with all the time I have being "home all the time".....The person knew I had four kids (as if that's not enough to do!), and also knew I homeschooled AND develop our curriculum, and have four in soccer....I told her she was welcome to spend any hour she wished with us as a homeschooling family, and see what she thought. Her 'smug" face made me think she knew my life better then her own. Her husband, horse of another color, asked me tonight (while trying to convince the small boys I did NOT want the sidewalk toad into my house!) HOW I do it...! he remarked, in a totally not disrespectful manner towards his wife, that she didn't seem to have enough hours, enough patience, enough...anything, to get through a single day with one small child. He seemed amazed at what my day entailed, asked several questions and left us with a look of complete awe on his face. I love talking to people like that-amazed by homeschooling, amazed by homeschoolers, amazed by passion for children. It's different then most of the people I meet...Many of them seem to feel an instant need to "defend" themselves for NOT homeschooling. I am quick to say, "not for all", "special person to do it", "personal circumstances" etc.....but sometimes people just get my saying "We homeschool" is really coming out as "you don't homeschool!"....which I would never say...Sadly, I have met more "not great" homeschoolers then great. The "great" are those I stay in contact with. They say to "surround yourself with greatness". !!!
OK...12 midnight, time for me to get planning done for tomorrow and thurday....We are going to the Baltimore Science Center in the am, with our co-op, so I need to get some sleep!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Whoever said that Summer was a time of lazy, hazy, days did NOT know me... This Summer has been anything but lazy, though, being in Maryland, we certainly have the "hazy" part down!
I don't know what it's like for other homeschooling families...Do they take Summer off, completely, like many public schoolers, and lay around the pool, watch talk shows, and eat, most days? Do most try to incorporate some kind of learning experience into daily life? Do some continue their schooling schedule, perhaps altering it a bit for more warm weather fun??? I guess that homeschoolers are like anyone else, and do what they please all Summer, whatever that may be...In my homeschooling house, we use Summertime to try new things, enjoy being outside, and take classes and workshops in many different activities-all which I journal daily as continued "school". We love our local community college, they are an incredible source of new learning for us, at a great price!
This Summer found me at endless baseball/t-ball games while my oldest child waited for her "time" to begin. It began last week-fortunately after ball ended for the year-with Ballet lessons at a private studio each Monday. This week added a Music Theater workshop to her list, with her dancing all day today at both classes-a total of four and half hours of dance. This has me in the mini van, three younger boys in tow, pretty much from non til five, and then even later today with the Ballet thrown in...The boys have already forgotten that "sis" sat through...hmmm....maybe 35 games in recent months-most during brewing violent lightening storms-so they are not happy about the situation....!
I woke up this morning after a bad night-not sleeping this week I guess-and rushed to get things in order. My husband had to leave two hours earlier for work, so the rush was more intense then usual. My daughter was running through the house in her dance clothes, asking about snacks, room numbers and emergency phone numbers. The boys were packing matchbox cars and looking for shoes. I directed them around the house, chores to be done, lunches to be packed....With water bottles, picnic basket and matchbox cars in check, we headed out for a day long ago marked on my calendar-day one of "crazy week"! Minutes before leaving, I realize that our library movies-21 of them, were not due on Monday as believed, but on Saturday...Panic ensues as we run to locate the largely fined videos, which was no small feat....I ended up paying a whopping twenty five dollars in late fees...We rush them to the nearest library, hoping for mercy, dropping them at the drive thru window and explaining ourselves. I agree to handle the issue at another branch that same day...We drive to the college, in another part of the county, a long, winding drive with much radio music to hear...We drop her off at class and head to the nearest playground to eat our lunch and swing before our next activity-a children's Max and Ruby program at the library in town. The boys finish their sandwiches, play, drink lemonade and argue about getting into the sandbox. (I don't have time for baths!) Soon we head to the 2 oclock class and I drop the two youngest boys off. That lasted two minutes, I had to go in with them, Jules would NOT stop looking out the door for me! We finished the stories, and the craft and packed up to head out to pick up some pizzas for dinner, right near the college....We sat in our favorite resturant for awhile, eating french fries and watching ESPN, got our dinner and head to pick up Skye...Left there, hurried to get her to Ballet, closer to home. Dropped her there-she was TIRED-and went home to eat pizza...Well, the boys did, anyway. I rushed around in a flurry of mysterious energy, cleaning, and doing laundry-sever loads by bedtime...Cleaned two closets, folded some things for the yardsale pile...vacuumed, bathed the kids, checked the bank account, wrote two bills out, and sat down....It starts again tomorrow!
My first thought was, "wow, I got nothing done today!
Now...What is wrong with ME????


Wednesday, June 16, 2004

11:24PM...Just ate my first meal of the day-turkey taco meat wrapped in lettuce-and got the kids into bed...Finally.
I have no idea how we are ever fitting lessons back into our lives....Since Ed's schedule change, the days are long and very, very full....
Getting used to the schedule thing was a little insane at first-the kids were staying up all hours, day after day, yet still getting up at 6:45AM. They rushed to see daddy who was HOME in the morning now...With only three hours of sleep behind him...! Fortunately, running their tails off all day, not allowing naps but for a few days a week, and having a strong dose of patience, paid off. They now sleep til 8-sometimes 8:30....Once til 9:45...! I don't get a single second to myself from 9am til 11:30pm, but hopefully they will all get tired of bugging me and go find something to do...!
Baseball ended tonight, T-Ball last Saturday....SOOO happy. No rest though, Ballet starts next Tuesday, intersects with Baton Camp and Dance Theater Camp, overlaps Soccer..Which runs straight through October...For FOUR children this year....Maybe...The five year old seems interested in gymnastics.....I joke that I don't have a calendar, but a spreadsheet...Then, I look into my canvas school bag and realize, I really do!
WOW...It's late...And I just sat down to look at email. Nothing good..I wish I had some money to shop online-Curriculum is calling me!
I have put some serious thought into my choice of Curriculum...Probably about three months worth of serious consideration, and many of general searching and comparing. Today, I went to the Homeschool Outlet at the Christian Bookstore in town. I had heard that they had a "used" shelf...It ended up being the larger portion of the store! I could not believe what I saw, stacks and stacks, pile and piles, of Saxon Manuals, Textbooks, science books, art programs, language tapes...It was pretty amazing. Now I am left with many more options...My budget can handle a bit more, so, do I want to get Saxon K for 20$???? I was thinking of doing workbooks, etc, til my five year old was ready for the Saxon One my seven year old skipped over...Now, I am reconsidering....I will have another child that can use it...hmmmm! Saxon three times a day....uggggh!
OK....I am alone in the peace and quiet, for the first time since my eyes opened....And I am thinking, of all things, TV...Another turkey taco maybe...My curriculum file is beckoning....(Do other people have files that yell at them???:) Do other MOMS have files that yell at them?????:))Mine do...;)
Thought I had something important to say, but I guess that was just the inspiration from getting the kids into bed!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Tuesday June 1st, 2004
My review is three minutes actually....!
Just sitting here waiting...:)

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Memorial Day Weekend, 2004. We have officially decided to end our formal school year, though we had planned to continue all Summer. Things are crazy around here with schedule changes, financial issues and a million and one activities and responsibilities...I was giving myself a fit, trying to decide whether or not to try to continue. Finally, I looked at it from a different viewpoint-instead of looking at what we didn't accomplish, I looked at what we did. I realized, as I summed our year up for online friends, that we did WAY more then planned in most subjects, making up for the few chapters of History and Math sitting on the shelf, undone. My children spent the entire year absorbed in one library book after another-and not much light reading either :)-and hardly any time at all in front off the TV. We broke off a friendship with a TV obsessed family this year, and I have appreciated our "American Idol free" Spring evenings. My children don't even ask to turn it on anymore, opting for crafts, emailing friends, using Paintshop and, reading, instead. No arguments from me!
My children meet new people this year, made many new friends, many people unlike any they have ever met. They met people with stories and experiences that many only read about, opened their minds and heart to new tastes, new sounds, new customs, new ideas. They welcomed new ideas for imagination, new thoughts from Ancient Thinkers, they learned new hobbies and skills, developed talents and found different ways to think and learn.
We grew as a family this year, as "friends" disappointed us and family proved unstable. We went through many changes, many trials, many lessons, as children, as parents, as people....I found time to read, found time to meditate and follow paths forgotten, found time to garden, found time to read to my children and dance with them next to our backyard Moon Garden, found time to welcome each season, time to make a new friend, time to connect with an old one.
Math is not complete, we have a few chapters left to do. My children are smarter, taller, braver and stronger then they were this time last year. Our family is stronger. My brain is wiser, my heart has only opened more, my mind led the way.....I think ending the year on that note is fine.....
It's 76 degree out, sunny and mild.....School is out!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004's been a month since I got my site up and running...a little bit longer, actually...and I had planned to have it completely updated by May 5th, but...well, that's not going to happen!
Lots is going on here at the homestead, mostly the fact that my husband has lost his job. We found out two Fridays back, that his company was not merging, as promised for months, but liquidating....we sort of found that out when we heard through the grapevine that the company's owner had landed a job elsewhere....not fun.
Fortunately, my dh was offered another position at his parttime job just days before this happened, so a quick phone call saved us...Unfortunately, we were so far behind on our bills due to the problems already existing in the make up of the company, we are in dire straights now. We are literally taking food from neighbors and family, and rolling pennies for gas money....It doesn't help that the company is witholding the last three weeks (and for some five) of doesn't help at all.
We will survive.
My biggest challenge at the moment is changing our entire schedules around. He will be working 2pm-12, four days a week....after years of working 6am to is a huge adjustment with lessons, sleep schedules, and meal planning....who wants to cook dinner at 11 am???? It will take some major adjusting, major planning, and lots of patience...everything needs to be changed!
This schedule will offer me some of my life back, however-giving me childfree-husband free hours each night betweem 9:30 and 12! Hopefully I will have the site updated in the next few days, and brimming with new info and insites, the articles are complete, I just need to get them onto the pages and onto the server...
Send me some positive energy, K???

Friday, April 09, 2004

Ok, the site is up...! You know what it's like when you have this huge project to do, and it takes all this time and thought...then, one day, it's DONE...and you just sit there and look at it....
That's where I am now...! I am working on next month's articles and etc, but I feel as though it's the day after Christmas, and I have run out of chores! LOL
Thanks to all that have visited my site-the numbers are climbing quickly and I have had many emails of congrats and admiration. Please feel free to let me know what YOU would like to see on the site-many HS sites are very much the same-if there is something you wish to see, simply email me!
My oldest children are asking about web design. I may begin teaching them basic HTML, or at the very least, teach them a simple drop and drag program. I may let them design our school site! It was my understanding that one of the best sites in the web for self taught HTML, is a site by an 11 year old girl...I need to find it! Web design is fun and fulfilling, creative and tech, so it's a good thing for alot of interest levels.
We are reaching Stonehenge in our Ancient History curriculum, and the children are very excited about it. They ADORED Egyption studies and they are anxious to get in celtic studies as well. Then we move into Rome, Ancient China.....wrapping up the year with the Byzantine Empire...which will leave us ready to begin our year of Middle Ages-very exciting! The kids are already searching and collecting books on knights, castles, etc...our Playmobile Knights set is getting played with HARD! :)
For Science, we are in the midst of our Weather Unit, and our Plants unit, while completing our Space unit. (We still need to do reports for two planets!)...we plan to build a weather station for the backyard (directions to do so will surely appear on the site soon!)...we are planning a Moon Garden-plants that flourish at night-and a veggie garden as well. And, we plan to investigate sundials, after seeing a really awesome one at Longwood Gardens in PA.
We won't be taking the Summer off...instead, we will continue with Saxon Math three days a week, Language/writing/reading each day...we will continue Science with our hands on projects and lot's of library books. We will probably do one history unit every few weeks, with lots of free reading as well. Art and Music will continue as we already do...phys ed will be more then fulfilled with baseball, t-ball, dance, musical theater, soccer and yoga.....(for FOUR!!)
Most of our Summer experience and learning will come from our wonderful co-op group, Circle of Friends. We have tons of fun ideas and plans including Culture days, crafts, Theme days, fieldtrips and more...Hopefully, it will be a NICE Summer, with weather cooperating!!!!!
Off to get into the day...I have been sitting here TOO long this morning!!!:)
Happy Holiday!

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Wow...I thought I was well rested...then I pooped out at 11:30 last night, slept straight thropugh til 5 am, then again til 7....then again til almost 9....(of course, I used those awake times to take care of kids, laundry, blinds, heat, a zombie...) I could have slept all day-and that is NOT like me. I think I over did it the last couple of days...
No plans to work out today, I am taking a day off. I hope that I am not getting a cold...that's what I feel like....ugh....working out might make me feel better, but it might make me more exhausted as well....and it's getting late....web design is calling me....(my newest "old" obsession....!)
We have to get through lessons today, but I can note and build while they do certain subjects and projects....I am seeing HTML is my sleep...still don't get a bunch of it...all the fancy stuff for effects and stuff, but the basics are simple and I can read and edit it quite well. Mostly I use drop and drag on Cool Page (which is free and uploads to FTP servers!) I need to get my paintshop installed again for graphic though....
I need to go shower and get chores knocked out....this big fuzzy cloud over my head isn't going away by itself....
Happy Homeschooling!

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

After my crazy week of dental nightmares and scheduling disasters, I finally felt able to get back to life this weekend. I realized, however, on Monday, that my life simply does not allow for me to "sleep on the job" for a week, and return as though nothing ever happened...not even close. Basically, all the work that didn't get done last week, had to be done along with this weeks, double time for me...!
My week "off" (he he! I have four, count'em, FOUR, children...!) left me time to ponder many thoughts and ideas that are otherwise pushed to the back of my overloaded brain. My entire website/s came to make logical sense in my head-I have four in various states of build/rebuild; I got quite a bit of organizing and clearing out of old schoolwork done when the pain killers we working and not making me ill; I came to terms with some really stupid issues I've had to deal with in recent years, came to terms with a new set of needed priorities. I got some rest, though it was hard and boring and frustrating for me.
We got back to normal this week, with the added work from last keeping us busy. The schedule is obvioulsy what the children need...structure, etc....they have calmed greatly. We even hosted a Chinese New Years for our co-op here today-which went great-I can't wait to see the pictures and get them posted on the site.
7am is early lately, and I need to get to bed....!

Friday, January 16, 2004

My timing with scheduling homeschool semesters is amazing. This is the fifth time in a row that I had a medical nightmare during our first week back to lessons. This time it was a major dental catastrophy...lasted all week-the result of some very much needed work-which got infected. Many trips to another county, insane amounts of pain killers, and general disruption ruled the week. Much of our work was completed...(I don't remember teaching it, is all:)) There was a point when I realized that I was teaching, I "woke up" there...confusing....I do NOT handle medication well. We all survived, but is was NOT the week of new beginnings that I had anticipated...

Oh, and I put this here for you, Dear Reader, as well as for a future reminder for myself...timing IS critical...scheduling lessons, classes, rec, sports, all needs to be done as a full picture-with four children, I use a spreadsheet at times!!! My schedule includes all the important things: appointments, so that I know NOT to schedule long classes that day, co-op group activities, so that lessons fit accordingly, we even schedule in the cycles of the Moon on our calendar!!! (fitting into science and ancient religions!:)) Unfortunately, after four years of "official" homeschooling, I realized another scheduling note: NEVER NEVER NEVER schedule a first day of a new semester on the same day you expect to experience serious PMS...I know that sounds girlie and weak-but...well...let's just say, Monday morning WAS NOT exactly a pleasent experience for anyone...;)

I am experiencing a forgotten time with one child. ! I have little Jules here with me, the others went to see Cheaper By The Dozen with the grandparents from Delaware...I forgot what this was's been a LONG time! Jules is a true sweetie-lives up to his name which means "light", always a smile, a gentle kiss, a sweet little sentence....he will be three in a few days about to be gone and forever forgotten in this house....WOW...

...we practiced counting M&Ms, and played cars, and watched's naptime though, for me as well, with all my stupid pain meds.....


Monday, January 12, 2004

We began our Winter semester of lessons today. We had finished up our Fall lessons back on December 15th, 2003, and shifted into what I call "unschooling mode". "Unschooling mode" is when we don't get out our workbooks or formal curriculum, but instead focus on fun, creative, and personal activities. We celebrated the First Day of Winter with a Yule/soltice celebration, decorated, baked, visited with friends for cookie making, candy making, ornament making...we got the tree, learned about Kwanza, Hannakah, Celebrated Christmas and New Years, did crafts, read books...had a great time.
I settled down a few days back, and started to pull together my notes and plans for our new semester. I spent evenings redoing schedules in order to formally "add" my almost five year old. I added, switched, revamped programs, lessons, projects, dates, group plans...I planned library days, book drop offs, unit break downs...added in all or our holidays (whew!), fieldtrips...yesterday, as the clock ticked down, I went over weekly schedules for the next six weeks, balanced lessons out, added personal projects and interests...broke down spelling and writing pages....I worked at it until 1am, and went to bed with a full days sheet of lessons, including finger painting, ready for me this morning.
My almost three year old woke me at 6:45am..."Sun is UP" he shouted as he ran into my dark, very cold bedroom. I got up, knowing what today held...headed downstairs for the usual...boot computer, throw in laundry, find matchbox cars, make cereal and juice...hand out chore charts, write schedule on white board, check email...oh yeah, open blinds...sun is OUT! As I make up my bed, a mantra begins in my head..."This is what I do...This is who I am..." I begin my workout at 8am, the same words lingering in my thoughts..."This is what I do..." As I showered, set up books for the day, cleaned up the kitchen..."This is who I am...this is what I do ...." It lasted until I sat down, books and pencils in hand, ready to teach science....and then, like jittery nerves on an opening night, the thought went away as I began....I just...became is who I is what I do.....and then...I did it....and all was right.....!
I don't know why I felt that wasn't a dreading sort of though, or a nervous thought...just a mantra...a positive affirmation. It worked...!
Our day was some point I will post our schedule of classes and you can see what me kids are up one will ever say they are "bored" again...!
Make a mantra...keep it close...use it!

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I awoke this morning with a strange feeling in my stomach. As I booted the computer and opened the blinds a small child appeared from behind. I turned to look at the child, sizing him up for the days activities...yes, you are the right size...yes, you can carry small loads of trash, yes, you can sort through bins and place toys, supplies, legos and trash into appropriate piles. YES, you CAN!
Immediately, the house was in a flurry of activity, as children ran to hide, ran to find lost reports that needed final copies done...ran to escape PURGE WEEK!!!
There IS, no escape. The week is here, lessons start next week, mommy is barely surviving in the after holiday clutter, and the time is NOW!
Today was an extra special day of purging for me: I emptied boxes that were still sitting packed, on storage shelves in the laundry room, from the house before this one. All trash...things I somehow thought were important enough to carry to our new home, and keep for almost 7 years! It has to go!
I strongly encourage ALL homeschooling moms to get organized. Have entire weeks scheduled during your year, to do nothing but. Try NOT to look at it as work, but as something renewing, find a way to relax, turn on some music, allow yourself the chance to "listen" to some incredibly bad daytime TV (you certainly won't miss it when you turn it off next week!!!) I love sitting in my piles of books, papers, notes, software, flashcards and art supplies, sorting, sipping green tea..(thanking my stars that I am not a guest on Maury Povich...) I love to get things ready for a new season, have things organized, where they can easily be found. I love going through the shelves, finding the Glow in the Dark book of stars-we forgot to use that...finding books my kids were not on level to read last time, and adding them to our curriculum. I love to look at the straight shelves, organized bins, stacks of paper, notebooks, preschool games and math manipulatives...and feel a sweep of accomplishment. It helps to start the year, the season, off right!

Tomorrow, the kitchen!!!!