Friday, April 09, 2004

Ok, the site is up...! You know what it's like when you have this huge project to do, and it takes all this time and thought...then, one day, it's DONE...and you just sit there and look at it....
That's where I am now...! I am working on next month's articles and etc, but I feel as though it's the day after Christmas, and I have run out of chores! LOL
Thanks to all that have visited my site-the numbers are climbing quickly and I have had many emails of congrats and admiration. Please feel free to let me know what YOU would like to see on the site-many HS sites are very much the same-if there is something you wish to see, simply email me!
My oldest children are asking about web design. I may begin teaching them basic HTML, or at the very least, teach them a simple drop and drag program. I may let them design our school site! It was my understanding that one of the best sites in the web for self taught HTML, is a site by an 11 year old girl...I need to find it! Web design is fun and fulfilling, creative and tech, so it's a good thing for alot of interest levels.
We are reaching Stonehenge in our Ancient History curriculum, and the children are very excited about it. They ADORED Egyption studies and they are anxious to get in celtic studies as well. Then we move into Rome, Ancient China.....wrapping up the year with the Byzantine Empire...which will leave us ready to begin our year of Middle Ages-very exciting! The kids are already searching and collecting books on knights, castles, etc...our Playmobile Knights set is getting played with HARD! :)
For Science, we are in the midst of our Weather Unit, and our Plants unit, while completing our Space unit. (We still need to do reports for two planets!)...we plan to build a weather station for the backyard (directions to do so will surely appear on the site soon!)...we are planning a Moon Garden-plants that flourish at night-and a veggie garden as well. And, we plan to investigate sundials, after seeing a really awesome one at Longwood Gardens in PA.
We won't be taking the Summer off...instead, we will continue with Saxon Math three days a week, Language/writing/reading each day...we will continue Science with our hands on projects and lot's of library books. We will probably do one history unit every few weeks, with lots of free reading as well. Art and Music will continue as we already do...phys ed will be more then fulfilled with baseball, t-ball, dance, musical theater, soccer and yoga.....(for FOUR!!)
Most of our Summer experience and learning will come from our wonderful co-op group, Circle of Friends. We have tons of fun ideas and plans including Culture days, crafts, Theme days, fieldtrips and more...Hopefully, it will be a NICE Summer, with weather cooperating!!!!!
Off to get into the day...I have been sitting here TOO long this morning!!!:)
Happy Holiday!