Thursday, December 08, 2005

25 Years Later-The Dream Still Lives

December 8th 1980 started out like any other day in my 14 year old life. It was a Monday, so I went to school, the tenth grade...My parents were die hard football fans, so they were watching Monday Night Football down in the basement. I was doing homework-I don't really recall what exactly. When someone knocked on my door a little after 11pm, I was sure it was to be told "lights out". Instead, my mother spoke words that changed my entire existance. "One of the Beatles, John Lennon, was just shot and killed in New York City." Being a woman who never tolerated emotion from others, she simply turned and went back downstairs, leaving me with the words.
At fourteen I was innocent, completely untouched by reality, and had been in awe of The Beatles for 11 years. At three, I discovered a stack of beatles 45's in the basement of my brother's seven year old friend, WeeGee (yes, that was his name! He had a cousin named Chip, and grandpa named Pipsi, and a sister name GingyLyn...!). I remember listening to "Hey Jude" and spinning around and round in my three year old circles. I fell instantly in love with Paul, and John remained my "symbol of rebellion" forever and ever. When I was 9 or 10, my brother was a young teen, and he bought several albums, including the White Album (The Beatles). It came with 8x10 glossy photos of each member, and they were hung on the outside of his bedroom door. I feel asleep each night looking across the hall at them. I wanted to be a hippee, I had peace signs all over, and wore ribbons as headbands around my head:)
The fact that a FAN shot the greatest person in my life was SHATTERING. To make matters worse, I couldn't speak about the horror, the pain, the complete FEAR I felt inside over this tragedy. My father made jokes at the dinner table each night at my expense, too gross and nasty to ever write or repeat. By the time my older brother left for college that spring, I was a complete basket case, too depressed and pained for words. I barely existed at school, and my obsession with The Beatles only grew. It became a "trait" of my personality. My mother said I would grow out of it. It annoyed her to no end, she HATED anything to do with "rock and roll" or worse, the Sixties! LOL.

I sit here now, on the 25th anniversay of his death, and write my thoughts. I see all of this completely different now. It's not that my hero is dead, that he died way too young, that the music is "over" as they say...It's not a horror of my teenage years. It's a travesty of history, for sure, that I didn't really get at 14.
The biggest thing for me to comprehend is this: I am just a few months shy of the age John was when he had his life RIPPED away from him. My youngest son is a few months shy of the age John's son, Sean, was, (5) when he lost his dad. Such a tragedy, one I didn't even REALIZE at 14. I have YET to make my mark, YET to feel old, YET to accomplish enough to make me feel successful....I feel that forty is YOUNG...And we lost John.
He had so much more to do, so many more to touch. His music was just beginning to show his heart, his capacity for love, for his intense NEED for peace in the world. The world has changed...Changed SO much since 1980...9-11 would have completely DESTROYED John, a New York lovin' man, a peace lovin' man. The world has changed, I have changed. John has not-he is forever a man of hope, peace, love and incredible talent.

And me? I sure didn't "grow out of it". My two youngest sons are Dakota John and Julian Paul-research the Beatles if you don't "get" those names:) My children all had/have Beatle lulliby albums they listened to each night. They know each and every song, and they will help remember John in the daylight of December 8th, 2005. The Beatles are SUCH a constant factor in my life-our homeschool is named Penny Lane Academy:) I think, quite honestly, that if people that know me well were asked to sum up "who I am", "BeatleFreak" would be right in the top part of the list:)

Blessings to John-to all who knew him, whether in person or by song, and to all who WILL know him. I carry him with me always. ALWAYS.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I Have Entirely TOO Much to Think About...

So, here I sit. I am juggling soo many possibilities right now, it's almost crazy.
I finally landed my first account as webmaster/designer, and the job at hand is rather huge. The person I will be doing the work for is extremely busy and overtasked all the time, and is also a perfectionist about everything....Hmmmm, sounds like a can relate...:) Actually, I CAN relate, he is my brother:) I will be doing the site for his high-end carpet business, showroom and carpet cleaning division. He's adding to his business all the time, and has a great network of friends that own businesses as well. I am hoping this gets my foot in the door. I think this is "what I want to be when I grow up":) LOL
Of course, the children's book still sits on my desktop. I just can't seem to get focused enough to research a publisher and do what I need to do. I get sidetracked so easily these days. It's a shame, because the book deals with something never done before...Big old secret here:) I think this should be my main focus for a while...
THEN, yesterday at my homeschool review, someone turned on the lightbulb in my head. Many things became instantly clear, and I discovered "what I am supposed to do". It was amazing-an epiphany! Something that satisfies my passion, my interests, my life, and earns income as well as providing a great great ministry...Oh, too good to be true...I have TOO much to think about...TOO much.
Thing is, I need to do SOMETHING. Some people never get a good idea in their lives, and I get several and I am completely overwhelmed...Usually I clean a lot when I am like this:)
ahhhhhhh...What else....
The Co-op! The co-op is good! The co-op is fun again, the moms all smile and get along:) We did have t ouch of drama this week, but everyone was pretty much expecting it to happen. Public school moms just should join homeschool groups...Especially if they don't ever plan to do it, consider it, etc...Especially if they have, in fact nothing nice to say about it at all. I have no idea WHY a PS mom would join a co-op and expect everyone to listen to her "anti homeschooling" "pro public school" attitude...But she did, and we didn't...Listen that is...Which offended her enough to set her completely and totally bonkers...WOW.
Gotta eat before it's time for bed....

Monday, June 13, 2005

It's too Hot for Math!!!

Oh MY!
We completed our formal year on May 27th, and today we started out Summer Session. The two weeks off were kind of filled with fighting, whining and complaining about nothing in specific, so I am pretty happy to be back to structured activities:)
We're only focusing on a few subjects during this mini session that will go three weeks on, one off, til having off all of September. We plan to do double math each day, completing an entire semester of Singapore in 9 weeks...:) We'll also be doing geography with Flat Travelers, a little science, a little logic, and weekly creative writing assignments. Lots of art as well....
It's very hot here, and we are surely going to have some real banging thunderstorms this week. The humidity is sweltering! The kids went outside to play with daddy before he left for work today and came in soaked with sweat...After showering-they even ASKED to-my six year old declared it was simply TOO HOT for Singapore Math! (we do have the air conditioner cranked, so for those that know me, even I was hot enough to turn it on!) We got the work done though, and lunch is being cleared right now...The heat made them tired, even in the little bit of time they were out there...They want to watch Lilo and Stitch this afternoon and simply relax...:) Sounds good to me:) I have a review to prep for.
My co-op is growing and growing and we are planning a steamy day at the park on Wednesday. It's going to be well into the 90's, but we will have shade and lots of snacks and drinks.
We've been working really hard to advertise and get the word out-lots of people seem to be looking for something. Many have had bad experiences with other groups, or simply been made to feel left out, or worse, discriminated against. I keep hearing horror stories, and of course, I have my own to tell...Sadly, no matter what sort of minority group we manage to get into-homeschoolers, for instance-most still find a way to cut people out and make them feel bad. I don't understand it.
We also have a sort of monopoly on homeschooling in the area as well. Certain groups own elists for the county, and they find it necessary, for some controlling reason, to censor the info that's available to the rest of the county. I think it's pretty crazy for one homeschooler to decide what info about HS opportunities should be made available to all. Sounds like Communism to me, actually. It's ok, though, their members are finding us anyway. When they realize that they have gotten censored info through their lists, they get really upset....This "other" group has done some pretty petty, immature things to prevent our group from growing-hasn't worked mind you:) AND, we've gotten a kick out of watching the leader of that group run from public places in shame, as well...What do they teach their children, acting like this?...They have even sent SPIES to our co-op in the past-SPIES that then couldn't look us in the face when we ran into them again and again...From what I hear online, this is pretty normal behavior in co-ops and groups. I can't stand it, it has nothing to do with the kids...And, isn't that the point here???

My email is so busy today...more group stuff:) Off to relax for a bit...Staying cool:)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Happy Summer!
I can't believe I haven't posted on here in four months! It's partly because I forgot my ID on the BLOG site, LOL:)
We completed our Spring Session on May 27th-this was definitely our most successful year EVER:) Considering that was added Kody, our middle son, six, to the mix, that's a really big accomplishment!!!
Skye our oldest, managed to not only catch up after her diasterous third grade year, but completed fourth and fifth grade in one year! We schooled year round, and she doubled up on math, spelling and grammar-her own choice-for most of the year. Her writing is at least 7th grade level, and her vocabulary is way beyond that. She spent a large part of her year perfecting her budding art skills-which are AMAZING-seriously-sometimes spending 6-8 hours on one project. She got professional water colors and pastels recently, and has absorbed every book and video on the mediums front he library:) She's also self taught herself Coolpage web design and Paintshop Pro 8 for graphic design. This has definitely been a year to see many advantages to homeschooling:)!
Jordan, age 8, would have completed second grade if he was in public school. He completed third grade in math and science, and fourth grade in all language arts subjects. He's gotten into paper airplane building and has, again, taking out every book on the subject:) He spend hours designing them and flying them. He had an AWESOME year in Sunday School as well, receiving tons of praise and reward from his teachers. His writing is improving and is at about fourth grade level. He's become quite the drawer, and is showing interest in fine arts and music as well. He is begging to play guitar.:) little Elvis???
Kody had a great first official year. He fiddled with some bits and pieces in the fall, and mostly unschooled til February. I started him on a pretty strong classical program at that point and he THRIVED. He began doing history with the older kids and enjoyed chemistry as well. We used First Language Lessons for the first time, and he loved it. He also started with Spelling Workout and Plaid Phonics and is now reading basic stuff:) He does Singapore as well, and really loves that.
Julian is four, and he did Dora K level Math and Singapore Earlybird Math. We also did some stuff in BIG SKILLS, and lots and lots of art projects. He also helped us plant our gardens this year, starting and charting seeds indoors for months. He will start formal K after Winter Break in 2006, next year. That should be a hoot:)
Next year is completely planned out. I am sooo happy that I discovered The Well Trained Mind three summers back-my time spent planning is ZERO these days. Homeschool Tracker, of course, makes it easier:) My review is on June 21st....
We are spreading our Support Group wings! We participated in a Multicultural fair with a group on Monday evening. We were Russia and my kids kicked a little tail getting it done:) There work was amazing and there was TONS of it. I simply directed them and they went with it. It helped, of course, that they'd been experiencing "Culture Day" with our Circle Co-op for two years. My daughter built the Kremlin from modeling clay-really something to see....Pictures SOON! We hope to hook up with that group again soon:)
Next week we're hoping to join up with a UU based group in Annapolis. I am REALLY excited about the prospect of meeting other UU Homeschool moms!!! That will be totally new for me:) Annapolis is a BEAUTIFUL place and I haven't been there in forever, I can't wait!
Our Circle Co-op is growing, and there's such a no hassle, grown up attitude...the contrast to things we dealt with in earlier days is HUGE. I think back to those times and wonder why I trusted people so much...People were just HORRIBLE to one another. It's funny though, once we got rid of the moms that kept yelling "this is just like Junior High" it stopped BEING "just like junior high". Hmmmmmmmm........Completely stopped. Again, hmmmmmm.
The group is doing great, no issues for, jeez, a year or more...:) We just have canceled alot of things due to being "burnt out" however....We'll get there:)
We have been off for the last week and a half...We spent last week getting Russia ready though. Today the kids spent the whole day watching tiny camcorder videos from the last 7 years. They are all in need of some sort of cataloging and that's what they were doing. It took up most of the day, and they are just heading to bed-it's just before midnight here...We start back with lessons next week for three weeks. Then a week off, then three weeks of lessons, then another week off....Three more weeks and then they have off the whole month of September. They will do double math four days a week, a creative writing assignment each week, various science projects, and geography which will include doing Flat Travelers. We're studying drawing in June, Painting in July and Sculpture in August. We plan to complete a full semester of Math. Kody will continue with his first grade lessons three days a week.
We have tons going on at church-a Dr Seuss Day, a Harry Potter Book Release day, and an entire month of "Arts in August" in which the adutls share arts with the kids through dance, movement, art, poetry, drumming, gardening, scrapbooking and more. Each sunday has a different class. I will be doing a yoga/sculpture class with the children...I also plan to teach PreK Sunday School again next year, be on RE Committee and co-chair the committee as well. I guess we plan to be busy....Speaking of which, SOCCER starts in 7 weeks...!!!!!!

That made me tired....:)

Signing off to say Moon Blessings...

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Uggh! That's my general feeling about life right now! Things have gotten a little frantic and chaotic, and I am trying to calm them to no avail...
The update for the site is complete-the writing portion, anyway. I can't seem to get it on the pages and uploaded however. The computer crashed, my carefully planned out schedule freaked and I think I have an allergy thing going on...
So much for planning and scheduling. I laid out a spreadsheet for goodness sakes, in effort to plan this semester properly. Then they cancelled a Theater class, rescheduled it at the DUMBEST time, and I am now carting kids all over town on Thursday-ALL OVER town. ALL DAY. Tomorrow is looking particularly bad because on top of gymnastics, theater and a lunch date, I also have an all afternoon meeting that will basically be held around my children's pick up and drop off times...
The meeting-at church-is a long one to make up for two weeks of cancelled services and meetings...And falls on the craziest day of the week.
I hope to have the site completed by the weekend. I am having "focus" issues...:)
I think it's all because of Winter...and the fact that it is going on and on and on...
One good note-our co-op seems to be doing quite well. I think our little break during the busy holiday season was just what we needed. I am feeling refreshed and ready to share, play and learn again...whew!:)
I am heading to bed, thought the site upload is beckoning me:) I really do think I have a sinus thing going on, and it's making me tired and lightheaded...
Just what I need:)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

WOW! The New Year is here, and we started off with a bang, right back into schedule, no problem. We actually started off better then we left off, getting our household schedule implimented, finally!
We got up on Monday and put the entire house together in less then an hour. It was wonderful, everyone had a specific chore, we put on some loud music (Beatles 1962-1966 *red album*), and it went very well. Our RULES for the new semester went into effect as well. No TV or video games before 7pm, and those are earned privilages. The kids aren't much on TV, except for movies they borrow from the library, but they are FREAKS about playing the new Ms Pac Man game. I bought it simply to use as in incentive tool, and it's working!!! They earn a half hour a night on it, if all work and chores are completed without issue. My house is clean, the kids are relatively behaved....WOW, could it get any better;)?
Actually, this New Year brought us great Blessing. We banished the old and exhausted from our lives and together, as a family, started the year with new attitudes, new expectations, new goals. It is showing in our everyday lives, so I know it's not simply resolutions. We went through a lot in recent years, opened ourselves to many negative influences in attempt to give of ourselves, to connect with the community and our families. In some cases things went well, in other cases, well, the garbage that came was just inhealthy. It funny how you can't see the forest for the trees, sometimes. Last year was one of the worst in my life. It was just simply a BAD BAD year. There was no tragedy, just lot's of influence and outside, trivial, ultimately important STUFF going on around me, and I had no control. I chose to "check out" on several aspects of my life, and it showed, of course. Things have been on the upswing though, actually, more then an upswing-a straight out I said.!
I plan to work on the site a bit in the next few days-I am surprised at the number of regular hits:) "Homeschool Mom" seems to be the main search leading people here, and I plan to gear the site a little more to taking care of MOM, along with stuff for kids, etc. I have so many ideas, and so little time:) LOL
Ok. Time to get going with Grammer and Spelling, we start a new Geography unit today that I have been working on for ages...And, we need to set up our Lit Notebooks, papers are taking over the house.