Here we are-my favorite month of the year:) Blue skies, chill in the air, Halloween decorations all around!!! Fall Blessings ALL around!!!!!
At the moment I am blogging with the smell of roasting turkey London broil on the grill tickling my nose. The night is dark, some clouds around, but the stars are trying to peek out. the air is not chilly-it's actually rather COLD by my standards!!!! brrrr! We spent the afternoon readying our yard for fall/winter, cutting the grass for hopefully the last time this year, planting some pansies...Raven's colors no less:) We put up some Halloween decor, and have the rest ready to do when time allows....We cleaned out the playroom and took many things to the attic (and to the trash!!!).
I love this time of year-when you feel the urge to "pull in", make your home comfy, cook a hearty meal...The sound of football:)!!!!!! The nights coming early, the need for a blanket at night and a sweatshirt in the evening....The sunsets are beautiful, the sports are exciting, the holiday decorating is full of purples and oranges:)
I just poured a glass of wine and I'm waiting for my incredible David to call me:) I miss him terribly. We have an almost three week hiatus, so I have another two weeks til I'll see him again. Our schedules are just insane at the moment...I miss him so much, need his touch, need to just know he is next to me:) Our relationship is just so incredible-the distance is painful at times, but our lives are so full when apart-when we come together-it's just simply perfect-just so complete.
I am so lucky at this point in my life. So lucky. I can't even begin to explain it with words-I just have space and time for my endeavors-which are so based upon my kids still-and that is RARE for women in my shoes-single, making ends meet...I really have it all-everyone says it's impossible, but I do:) I have no idea how I ended up here-and the journey was FAR from easy, but Karma, or something, must be hitting me rather hard right now....:)
My kids are amazing-driving me CRAZY-and I am guessing that they teaching concepts like "it's dark outside so go home" and "don't drag a dirty water filler garden hose through the house to get it from the back to front yard" in public school...BUT they are incredible just the same:)
David...there are simply no words....
Work...Jeez, are you kidding me????? Laughter, great customers, awesome music....
time to eat awesome food....
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Recent Pics:)

We had a great visit-loads of time at the pool, lots of conversation...Oh, and the main purpose for the trip???? To hook up my parents new-and very first-computer:) (couldn't answer the phone for two weeks after due to the confused questions!:)) Great time had by all:)
We ventured back to Seaford recently-just last week in fact. My sweet man David was able to come with us this time and get to know my folks a little better. The pool was closed, as October was fast approaching, but we had a blast anyway. We spent time riding bikes with the kids, having long filling dinners, swatting flies (:)), and even went to the beach and boardwalk. It was FREEZING on the beach-ok, not FREEZING-but it was CHILLY with the wind of an approaching Nor'easter. The sand was whipping around and I was wrapped up in towels:) The kids swam in the ocean though! The OC boardwalk was also cold and impossibly windy with sand all over. I have been to the ocean many many times, even lived there through hurricanes, and never saw waves and surf so violent. It was FUN though, and having David with us for almost a week was AWESOME!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Lessons, Looney's, Madonna and Taco salad!

Ok....Just to clarify-This is me at work at Looney's on 80's night last Friday-I was being Madonna in case you can't figure that out...(and plenty thought I was Cyndi Lauper, come on!) Point is-this is me DRESSED UP as Madonna, not dressed up as Sami going about her daily business-JEEZ!!!!! I have had some questions and attitude about that after posting that pic in several places....It was a COSTUME!!!!!! OMG!:) AND, it was a GREAT one at that:)
It's been a week-"a week"-what can I say-business is back to booming at Looneys and the crowds and money are plentiful at least-after a long long lonely summer (for my bank account, LOL!). Last night was Monday Night Football and WELL worth the wait:) It felt great to be there with the crowds, the noise of the game, the cheering the jerseys...It was so much fun:)
80's Night went fine-no idea how I ever made it through the 80's though with the tiny spiked heels, the spandex and the hairspray-how did we EVER do that?????? I couldn't wait to get home and peel off the lace gloves and wash the crap out of my hair-YUCK!!!!! 10 hours dressed as Madonna was TOO MUCH!!!!
Spent the day with the kids doing lessons-Kody and Jules are reading so great these days-such a goal to be accomplished-four kids reading-homeschool life can only get better from here!!!!
Researching High School Science Curricula....Think I found what I need....Not sure if it's too much for right now though...hmmmm....
Need NEED to have a Qdoba taco salad today-just been TOO long, and salsa and chips from Looney's will not do it today:) I need to, in fact, publish this right NOW and GO if I want one before work:)
It's MIX 106.5 night, stop up and see me if you are so inclined:)
Gotta run!!! Taco salad time!!!!
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Domestic for the Day:)
WOW! Last night was one of my craziest nights EVER at work! It's been slow-"Looneys" slow, which means we are still incredibly busier then other area hot/dining spots-thankfully, but still slow. A "slow" night where I work is still better then most "best" nights for other area servers, and I have to not be a spoiled brat and REMEMBER that!:) LOL!!!
It was a crazy night-a server and sweet friend of mine was literally attacked and pulled into the parking lot in a fight-bouncers and everything. This sweet girl is NOT the type for this sort of behavior, and turns out, it was her current guys ex GF and her MOTHER (the ex gf's, not the servers, jeez!) I was shocked to no end and felt so bad for the poor girl. She is just the sweetest thing, a fellow single mom who also happens to be very young and very tiny to boot...What is WRONG with people????? Besides that, we were just simple crazy busy, people seemed to be wound up and hyper-I actually checked outside to see if it was the Full Moon!!! (It was, in fact, the New Moon, which doesn't inspire craziness!!!) There were fights, people driving the wrong way down all the roads next to us, police everywhere, and girls-women actually,though I use the term loosely-screaming and cussing all over the parking lot-it was a circus!
I didn't get home until after 2:30am, and there were children asleep all over the house on different sofas and love seats-one was on the floor. My oldest was still on the computer typing up a paper on Nazi Germany...! After 11 hours of slinging food and rink I had to carry kids to bed, turn off lights, load the dishwasher and get myself settled...THEN I couldn't even sleep til after 5am because I was WIRED! (so, there is proof of my theory that I absorb energy from others!).
Today I got to play domestic mommy again:) It has been fun fun fun!!! We went to the grocery store, ran errands, had pizza at My Three Sons, and came home to a huge thunderstorm and tornado warning...
I realize that I am spending WAY too much money on food these days, and throwing away too much as well...The kids BEG for fresh veggies and fruit while at the store, yet I tend to be throwing it away on a weekly basis-rotted and black....I decided today that we need a menu for the week, and I need to take more time to prep healthy filling meals...Which is what I did today.
My house smells of garlic and onions right now:) I have a huge roast in the oven with potatoes, garlic and onions. I can't wait to taste it when it's done. I also made vinegar cucumbers with onion and scrubbed the whole kitchen down. I miss the days when I had time for this sort of domestic lifestyle!!! Thankfully, I love my working life as well, so it all lands in my lap as needed:)
I need to get back to my menu planning-I plan to note everything in the kitchen and plan a weeks worth of meals...I am working a TON of hours this week to add some money to my savings account, so the kids will need good prepped food to eat-and well -planned at that:)
Gotta run...
It was a crazy night-a server and sweet friend of mine was literally attacked and pulled into the parking lot in a fight-bouncers and everything. This sweet girl is NOT the type for this sort of behavior, and turns out, it was her current guys ex GF and her MOTHER (the ex gf's, not the servers, jeez!) I was shocked to no end and felt so bad for the poor girl. She is just the sweetest thing, a fellow single mom who also happens to be very young and very tiny to boot...What is WRONG with people????? Besides that, we were just simple crazy busy, people seemed to be wound up and hyper-I actually checked outside to see if it was the Full Moon!!! (It was, in fact, the New Moon, which doesn't inspire craziness!!!) There were fights, people driving the wrong way down all the roads next to us, police everywhere, and girls-women actually,though I use the term loosely-screaming and cussing all over the parking lot-it was a circus!
I didn't get home until after 2:30am, and there were children asleep all over the house on different sofas and love seats-one was on the floor. My oldest was still on the computer typing up a paper on Nazi Germany...! After 11 hours of slinging food and rink I had to carry kids to bed, turn off lights, load the dishwasher and get myself settled...THEN I couldn't even sleep til after 5am because I was WIRED! (so, there is proof of my theory that I absorb energy from others!).
Today I got to play domestic mommy again:) It has been fun fun fun!!! We went to the grocery store, ran errands, had pizza at My Three Sons, and came home to a huge thunderstorm and tornado warning...
I realize that I am spending WAY too much money on food these days, and throwing away too much as well...The kids BEG for fresh veggies and fruit while at the store, yet I tend to be throwing it away on a weekly basis-rotted and black....I decided today that we need a menu for the week, and I need to take more time to prep healthy filling meals...Which is what I did today.
My house smells of garlic and onions right now:) I have a huge roast in the oven with potatoes, garlic and onions. I can't wait to taste it when it's done. I also made vinegar cucumbers with onion and scrubbed the whole kitchen down. I miss the days when I had time for this sort of domestic lifestyle!!! Thankfully, I love my working life as well, so it all lands in my lap as needed:)
I need to get back to my menu planning-I plan to note everything in the kitchen and plan a weeks worth of meals...I am working a TON of hours this week to add some money to my savings account, so the kids will need good prepped food to eat-and well -planned at that:)
Gotta run...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
This...My Perfect.....
I realize this...After a long, long, night of serving drinks to very tipsy people...coming home to my children and a CLEAN house...Saying "goodnight" to a spectacular boyfriend who, while exhausted, didn't want to get off the phone...My life is pretty darn great;) How many single moms can say that??? How many people in general can say that??? Life is pretty great:)
I am consistently amazed by my man, David...He just continues to grow more and more amazing, more and more sexy, more and more adorable, more and more incredible, each day. He just needs to BE HERE is all, and things could really be quite wonderful. I beg for that day-I want it, need it, more then I even allow myself to admit.
My life is good. My job is fun-the girls I work with are so amazing, such beautiful souls who just simply never cease to amaze me with their energies, their beauty, their sense of comedy. The guys are equally as amazing, of course with the way they look out for all the girls, the way they joke and smile. They are truly good people.
My kids are, as usual, amazing...Drive me nuts....But amazing. Skye is just beautiful and has SO much potential it's scarey. Jordan has risen above so much insanity to become such an intriguing young man. Kody has more energy then a fast moving train, but his willingness to please, his sense of lightness is heartfelt. And Julian...He is just as sweet and adorable as the day he was born. He is a pleasure from the second I wake, til I fall asleep late, late at night.
School is better then ever; The kids are serious, two of four ask to do lessons on the weekends;) Skye is constantly doing research on the internet and has really gotten into writing research papers. I am prepared, lessons go smoothly and homeschooling just seems to "fit" in our new home.
So...Thngs are great and I just want to document my feelings...Late, late at night....I am still wired from a long night at work and feeling very deeply about how good things are...Just thought I'd jump on here and write a bit;)
That's all for now....I am headed, finally, for bed...:)
I am consistently amazed by my man, David...He just continues to grow more and more amazing, more and more sexy, more and more adorable, more and more incredible, each day. He just needs to BE HERE is all, and things could really be quite wonderful. I beg for that day-I want it, need it, more then I even allow myself to admit.
My life is good. My job is fun-the girls I work with are so amazing, such beautiful souls who just simply never cease to amaze me with their energies, their beauty, their sense of comedy. The guys are equally as amazing, of course with the way they look out for all the girls, the way they joke and smile. They are truly good people.
My kids are, as usual, amazing...Drive me nuts....But amazing. Skye is just beautiful and has SO much potential it's scarey. Jordan has risen above so much insanity to become such an intriguing young man. Kody has more energy then a fast moving train, but his willingness to please, his sense of lightness is heartfelt. And Julian...He is just as sweet and adorable as the day he was born. He is a pleasure from the second I wake, til I fall asleep late, late at night.
School is better then ever; The kids are serious, two of four ask to do lessons on the weekends;) Skye is constantly doing research on the internet and has really gotten into writing research papers. I am prepared, lessons go smoothly and homeschooling just seems to "fit" in our new home.
So...Thngs are great and I just want to document my feelings...Late, late at night....I am still wired from a long night at work and feeling very deeply about how good things are...Just thought I'd jump on here and write a bit;)
That's all for now....I am headed, finally, for bed...:)
Monday, July 07, 2008
This Devoted...
It's after 1am, technically a Monday morning in July...I have to get up at 8:45am to get ready for a double shift at work, and also a full day of lessons during my break and after I punch out...I am sitting here amongst a pile of printouts, curriculum and notebooks, prepping the kids for a day of lessons...Actually, a full week....We plan to visit my parents at the beach for two days and few hours from Wednesday to Friday, and a whole week of lessons needs to get done.
My reviewer, who is with the Harford County Public School System goes well beyond the law with her expectations of my family. I know this, but something deep inside of my ever challenge-seeking soul just makes me shut up and perform. She literally wants to see a workbook page dated for every single day between September and June with exception of the Christian holiday of Christmas. The fact that we are NOT Christian, and that we homeschool year round, and that the main reason we DO THIS is because we are NOT a typical minded American family, seems to be beyond her well educated reach....So....Basically, if my kids read a historical novel for three days in May, she wants to know where the daily work pages are and decides that they did nothing...
Crazy...Anyone who has EVER spent five minutes with my children can see instantly that they are WELL BEYOND children their ages-able to converse, debate and have opinions way beyond the average kid. I know this, and that is what keeps me rising to the challenges...But this workbook page expectations are incredibly "schooly" and rather exhausting...I mean, isn't conversation more interesting??? Seriously, when, since becoming an adult, have you had to relate your daily learning on a dittoed worksheet to prove your education????
I am so...SO devoted to this...I sit, here, after a days work as a bar waitress, having to get up and do it all again tomorrow, prepping work to prove our "intelligence" to some woman who doesn't even HAVE children, BUT who has a DEGREE in how and when children should perform and learn...So unrelealistic, so unworldly, so bureaucratic, so government issue....
We are so beyond that....But I am performing, because, if nothing else in life, I have learned to "perform".
I am devoted to this. I WILL do this, and I will do this well....MY selfish nature has not shown it's ugly self...My career-through divorce, single parenting and all-remains my children. I know that pisses many off, but it is what it is...Homeschooling has become my "degree" my "masters", perhaps my "PHd", and I am not planning to back off-only hit it much harder as the children thrive and progress....
It's going on 2am, I have to get up and sling drinks, teach a double day tomorrow to four kids on at least 7 subjects and do it all well.....Are you up to that??? Are YOU that devoted.....?
Probably not.....Bless you with all there is to be blessed with, but most likely not....
I am this devoted...
My reviewer, who is with the Harford County Public School System goes well beyond the law with her expectations of my family. I know this, but something deep inside of my ever challenge-seeking soul just makes me shut up and perform. She literally wants to see a workbook page dated for every single day between September and June with exception of the Christian holiday of Christmas. The fact that we are NOT Christian, and that we homeschool year round, and that the main reason we DO THIS is because we are NOT a typical minded American family, seems to be beyond her well educated reach....So....Basically, if my kids read a historical novel for three days in May, she wants to know where the daily work pages are and decides that they did nothing...
Crazy...Anyone who has EVER spent five minutes with my children can see instantly that they are WELL BEYOND children their ages-able to converse, debate and have opinions way beyond the average kid. I know this, and that is what keeps me rising to the challenges...But this workbook page expectations are incredibly "schooly" and rather exhausting...I mean, isn't conversation more interesting??? Seriously, when, since becoming an adult, have you had to relate your daily learning on a dittoed worksheet to prove your education????
I am so...SO devoted to this...I sit, here, after a days work as a bar waitress, having to get up and do it all again tomorrow, prepping work to prove our "intelligence" to some woman who doesn't even HAVE children, BUT who has a DEGREE in how and when children should perform and learn...So unrelealistic, so unworldly, so bureaucratic, so government issue....
We are so beyond that....But I am performing, because, if nothing else in life, I have learned to "perform".
I am devoted to this. I WILL do this, and I will do this well....MY selfish nature has not shown it's ugly self...My career-through divorce, single parenting and all-remains my children. I know that pisses many off, but it is what it is...Homeschooling has become my "degree" my "masters", perhaps my "PHd", and I am not planning to back off-only hit it much harder as the children thrive and progress....
It's going on 2am, I have to get up and sling drinks, teach a double day tomorrow to four kids on at least 7 subjects and do it all well.....Are you up to that??? Are YOU that devoted.....?
Probably not.....Bless you with all there is to be blessed with, but most likely not....
I am this devoted...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I am SO Blessed!!!
It's true...Simple as that. I am a truely blessed woman:) My life is full of so many incredible blessings, and so much happiness and success, it takes my breath away.
My children are amazing-enough said:) Our newly purchased house is incredible-beyond anything I ever thought I would have as a single mom, or maybe ever-it's the best place I have ever lived-the gardens, the large rooms, the adorible front porch...I am so content here:) It's peaceful and bright and beautiful! My boyfriend is a miracle, simply stated-a true miracle-they just don't make men like this anymore! Right when I had given up completely, he was there-in front of me, like magic:) My job is pretty great, though the summer months have made us slow. Where else can I hang out and listen to music, talk to people, and make great money???? It's perfect for this rock and roll soul:) We are completely blessed to be able to continue homeschooling, and to be able to be so successful with it-the kids enjoy our days, our curriculum is challenging, and we have freedom and fun....
Like I said...I am a blessed woman....
My children are amazing-enough said:) Our newly purchased house is incredible-beyond anything I ever thought I would have as a single mom, or maybe ever-it's the best place I have ever lived-the gardens, the large rooms, the adorible front porch...I am so content here:) It's peaceful and bright and beautiful! My boyfriend is a miracle, simply stated-a true miracle-they just don't make men like this anymore! Right when I had given up completely, he was there-in front of me, like magic:) My job is pretty great, though the summer months have made us slow. Where else can I hang out and listen to music, talk to people, and make great money???? It's perfect for this rock and roll soul:) We are completely blessed to be able to continue homeschooling, and to be able to be so successful with it-the kids enjoy our days, our curriculum is challenging, and we have freedom and fun....
Like I said...I am a blessed woman....
Amazing Article About Homeschoolers:)
I received this today from a friend:) It's PERFECT-though the typical homeschool stereotype doesn't fit my out of the box family AT ALL;) I LOVE IT!!!
Enjoy if you are a homeschooler...if not, sorry in advance....;)
SONNY SCOTT*6/8/2008 9:39:01 AM Daily Journal
You see them at the grocery, or in a discount store.It's a big family by today's standards - "just like stair steps," as the old folks say. Freshly scrubbed boys with neatly trimmed hair and girls with braids, in clean but unfashionable clothes follow mom through the store as she fills her no-frills shopping list.There's no begging for gimcracks, no fretting, and no threats from mom. The older watch the younger, freeing mom to go peacefully about her task.You are looking at some of the estimated 2 million children being home schooled in the U.S., and the number is growing. Their reputation for academic achievement has caused colleges to begin aggressively recruiting them. Savings to the taxpayers in instructional costs are conservatively estimated at $4 billion, and some place the figure as high as $9 billion. When you consider that these families pay taxes to support public schools, but demand nothing from them, it seems quite a deal for the public.Home schooling parents are usually better educated than the norm, and are more likely to attend worship services. Their motives are many and varied. Some fear contagion from the anti-clericalism, coarse speech, suggestive behavior and hedonistic values that characterize secular schools. Others are concerned for their children's safety. Some want their children to be challenged beyond the minimal competencies of the public schools. Concern for a theistic world view largely permeates the movement.Indications are that home schooling is working well for the kids, and the parents are pleased with their choice, but the practice is coming under increasing suspicion, and even official attack, as in California.Why do we hate (or at least distrust) these people so much?Methinks American middle-class people are uncomfortable around the home schooled for the same reason the alcoholic is uneasy around the teetotaler.Their very existence represents a rejection of our values, and an indictment of our lifestyles. Those families are willing to render unto Caesar the things that Caesar's be, but they draw the line at their children. Those of us who have put our trust in the secular state (and effectively surrendered our children to it) recognize this act of defiance as a rejection of our values, and we reject them in return.Just as the jealous Chaldeans schemed to bring the wrath of the king upon the Hebrew eunuchs, we are happy to sic the state's bureaucrats on these "trouble makers." Their implicit rejection of America's most venerated idol, Materialism, (a.k.a. "Individualism" ) spurs us to heat the furnace and feed the lions.Young families must make the decision: Will junior go to day care and day school, or will mom stay home and raise him? The rationalizations begin. "A family just can't make it on one income." (Our parents did.) "It just costs so much to raise a child nowadays." (Yeah, if you buy brand-name clothing, pre-prepared food, join every club and activity, and spend half the cost of a house on the daughter's wedding, it does.) And so, the decision is made. We give up the bulk of our waking hours with our children, as well as the formation of their minds, philosophies, and attitudes, to strangers. We compensate by getting a boat to take them to the river, a van to carry them to Little League, a 2,800-square- foot house, an ATV, a zero-turn Cub Cadet, and a fund to finance a brand-name college education. And most significantly, we claim "our right" to pursue a career for our own"self-fulfillment. "Deep down, however, we know that our generation has eaten its seed corn. We lack the discipline and the vision to deny ourselves in the hope of something enduring and worthy for our posterity. We are tired from working extra jobs, and the looming depression threatens our 401k's. Credit cards are nearly maxed, and it costs a $100 to fuel the Suburban. Now the kid is raising hell again, demanding the latest Play Station as his price for doing his school work ... and there goes that modest young woman in the home-made dress with her four bright-eyed, well-behaved home-schooled children in tow. Wouldn't you just love to wipe that serene look right off her smug face?Is it any wonder we hate her so?
Sonny Scott a community columnist, lives on Sparta Road in Chickasaw Countyand his e-mail address is
Enjoy if you are a homeschooler...if not, sorry in advance....;)
SONNY SCOTT*6/8/2008 9:39:01 AM Daily Journal
You see them at the grocery, or in a discount store.It's a big family by today's standards - "just like stair steps," as the old folks say. Freshly scrubbed boys with neatly trimmed hair and girls with braids, in clean but unfashionable clothes follow mom through the store as she fills her no-frills shopping list.There's no begging for gimcracks, no fretting, and no threats from mom. The older watch the younger, freeing mom to go peacefully about her task.You are looking at some of the estimated 2 million children being home schooled in the U.S., and the number is growing. Their reputation for academic achievement has caused colleges to begin aggressively recruiting them. Savings to the taxpayers in instructional costs are conservatively estimated at $4 billion, and some place the figure as high as $9 billion. When you consider that these families pay taxes to support public schools, but demand nothing from them, it seems quite a deal for the public.Home schooling parents are usually better educated than the norm, and are more likely to attend worship services. Their motives are many and varied. Some fear contagion from the anti-clericalism, coarse speech, suggestive behavior and hedonistic values that characterize secular schools. Others are concerned for their children's safety. Some want their children to be challenged beyond the minimal competencies of the public schools. Concern for a theistic world view largely permeates the movement.Indications are that home schooling is working well for the kids, and the parents are pleased with their choice, but the practice is coming under increasing suspicion, and even official attack, as in California.Why do we hate (or at least distrust) these people so much?Methinks American middle-class people are uncomfortable around the home schooled for the same reason the alcoholic is uneasy around the teetotaler.Their very existence represents a rejection of our values, and an indictment of our lifestyles. Those families are willing to render unto Caesar the things that Caesar's be, but they draw the line at their children. Those of us who have put our trust in the secular state (and effectively surrendered our children to it) recognize this act of defiance as a rejection of our values, and we reject them in return.Just as the jealous Chaldeans schemed to bring the wrath of the king upon the Hebrew eunuchs, we are happy to sic the state's bureaucrats on these "trouble makers." Their implicit rejection of America's most venerated idol, Materialism, (a.k.a. "Individualism" ) spurs us to heat the furnace and feed the lions.Young families must make the decision: Will junior go to day care and day school, or will mom stay home and raise him? The rationalizations begin. "A family just can't make it on one income." (Our parents did.) "It just costs so much to raise a child nowadays." (Yeah, if you buy brand-name clothing, pre-prepared food, join every club and activity, and spend half the cost of a house on the daughter's wedding, it does.) And so, the decision is made. We give up the bulk of our waking hours with our children, as well as the formation of their minds, philosophies, and attitudes, to strangers. We compensate by getting a boat to take them to the river, a van to carry them to Little League, a 2,800-square- foot house, an ATV, a zero-turn Cub Cadet, and a fund to finance a brand-name college education. And most significantly, we claim "our right" to pursue a career for our own"self-fulfillment. "Deep down, however, we know that our generation has eaten its seed corn. We lack the discipline and the vision to deny ourselves in the hope of something enduring and worthy for our posterity. We are tired from working extra jobs, and the looming depression threatens our 401k's. Credit cards are nearly maxed, and it costs a $100 to fuel the Suburban. Now the kid is raising hell again, demanding the latest Play Station as his price for doing his school work ... and there goes that modest young woman in the home-made dress with her four bright-eyed, well-behaved home-schooled children in tow. Wouldn't you just love to wipe that serene look right off her smug face?Is it any wonder we hate her so?
Sonny Scott a community columnist, lives on Sparta Road in Chickasaw Countyand his e-mail address is
Sunday, June 15, 2008
So Here We Are!!!:)
Again, can't believe how long it's been since I blogged-but ALL good-after all-WE BOUGHT A NEW HOUSE!!!!!! Found it, bought it, moved in and have been here for over three weeks now:) It pretty awesome, still in Bel Air, in an AWESOME neighborhood with the counties BEST schools-not that that matters to US;)- It has four bedrooms, a finished lower level with a pellet stove, two and a half baths, great large rooms, a deck and an incredible professionally landscaped garden in the backyard:) The garden, actually, is what sold the house-I LOVE it!!! We have spent MUCH time weeding and planting already:)
We have settled in, though lots of unpacking still needs to be done. Everyone is FAR more relaxed and seem MUCH happier. I plan to post some pics soon, but for now, I just want to go be comfy on my new sofa and watch some TV;)
Off to enjoy~!!
We have settled in, though lots of unpacking still needs to be done. Everyone is FAR more relaxed and seem MUCH happier. I plan to post some pics soon, but for now, I just want to go be comfy on my new sofa and watch some TV;)
Off to enjoy~!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
The Equinox-New Beginnings...;)
YAY!!!!! It's finally SPRING!!!! (and it was also my b-day:)) I am SO happy-I can only think of maybe one or two things that could make my life better....!
I spent my b-day, also the first day of Spring, in NC with David:) The weather was amazing! It was 75 degrees and sunny on Saturday and I was loving life! We had such a great time, and I got to be there for several days-no children:) Happy Birthday to ME! LOL!
I started my personal "new year" with a brand new job:) Apparently, it's the "Holy Grail" of waitressing positions in Harford County...Whenever I tell someone about it they get excited and high five me:) From what I understand, no one ever quits working there, they almost never hire, and it's the best money going. It's also two blocks from my house:) (which is awesome because the place is SO busy I had to drive back home and walk to work last night-there were NO parking spots EXCEPT for in front of my house! LOL!) It's a huge bar/restaurant with live entertainment and probably over 100 TVs with sports, and everyone hangs out there. I started this week, training, and it's been crazy-CRAZY! I start with tables on Sunday morning and afternoon. I can't wait to make some money!
My last job was HORRIBLE. I was only there for two months and I made NO money. Management was bad, business was bad....The servers were super sweet and fun, and I miss them, but THAT was what kept me at my former job, Ruby Tuesday, too long. I had to move on. I literally lived off savings for two months and that's just unacceptable.
The kids and I are looking for a new place to live...We LOVE the area that we live in right now-LOVE IT-but the house is a dump and the landlord just doesn't care about much besides raising the rent. (which he just did) I know that for what I am paying, or for just a little more, we could literally live in luxury. There are a million houses for rent and sale in the area due to the current economic situation and housing bust, and I need to get into one. I HATE the house that we live in. It's TOO small, too run down, too expensive for what we have. We are very literally paying to live in the "downtown" area, which we love, but the house is a waste of my money. I have lived here for 15 months and have only used the kitchen once. It's cramped and dirty-we cleaned and cleaned and it just feels dirty all the time. I have never even unpacked completely and bought a small fridge for my room to get by. I live in my bedroom....That stinks...I have kids sleeping on sofas, only one bathroom with five people....Just not good. So....The search begins....
Things are good....:)
I spent my b-day, also the first day of Spring, in NC with David:) The weather was amazing! It was 75 degrees and sunny on Saturday and I was loving life! We had such a great time, and I got to be there for several days-no children:) Happy Birthday to ME! LOL!
I started my personal "new year" with a brand new job:) Apparently, it's the "Holy Grail" of waitressing positions in Harford County...Whenever I tell someone about it they get excited and high five me:) From what I understand, no one ever quits working there, they almost never hire, and it's the best money going. It's also two blocks from my house:) (which is awesome because the place is SO busy I had to drive back home and walk to work last night-there were NO parking spots EXCEPT for in front of my house! LOL!) It's a huge bar/restaurant with live entertainment and probably over 100 TVs with sports, and everyone hangs out there. I started this week, training, and it's been crazy-CRAZY! I start with tables on Sunday morning and afternoon. I can't wait to make some money!
My last job was HORRIBLE. I was only there for two months and I made NO money. Management was bad, business was bad....The servers were super sweet and fun, and I miss them, but THAT was what kept me at my former job, Ruby Tuesday, too long. I had to move on. I literally lived off savings for two months and that's just unacceptable.
The kids and I are looking for a new place to live...We LOVE the area that we live in right now-LOVE IT-but the house is a dump and the landlord just doesn't care about much besides raising the rent. (which he just did) I know that for what I am paying, or for just a little more, we could literally live in luxury. There are a million houses for rent and sale in the area due to the current economic situation and housing bust, and I need to get into one. I HATE the house that we live in. It's TOO small, too run down, too expensive for what we have. We are very literally paying to live in the "downtown" area, which we love, but the house is a waste of my money. I have lived here for 15 months and have only used the kitchen once. It's cramped and dirty-we cleaned and cleaned and it just feels dirty all the time. I have never even unpacked completely and bought a small fridge for my room to get by. I live in my bedroom....That stinks...I have kids sleeping on sofas, only one bathroom with five people....Just not good. So....The search begins....
Things are good....:)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
More Planning, New Math U See and the GREATEST man on Earth...
WOW! I have been planning my brains out-my fingers hurt from typing, my eyes hurt from too much reading and computer use...But I am SO happy!!! I love planning:)
We are only doing a few subjects right now-Finishing up some things from Fall, like Math U See Epsilon, a few HOAC lapbooks (art appreciation, gravity...) and some astronomy lessons...(see post below). We will start back to fulltime lessons on February 4th. We will then be doing a myriad of things like the Penguins and Economics lapbooks from HOAC, more Math U See for all, and our regular programs:) I am so excited!!!
My man, my bf David, is the best guy on the planet...I am NOT kidding!:) He is a single guy who never planned on children....Imagine the shock when he met a lady online with FOUR children:) He was very nervous at first (scared to death more likely, LOL) but soon fell in love with my crowd and now it just "is" what it is:) The kids, BTW, adore him as well:) David listens ENDLESSLY to my almost constant homeschool chatter-we are currently long distance, but spend hours on the phone each night:) He probably knows more about what we "do" as homeschoolers, and the "whys" as well, then the children's father. (not probably, definitely) He is SO supportive and kind and interested....\
SO, how great is he??? I could go on forever about it, but the latest amazing thing that he has done is this: while on the phone the other night, I was rambling, mostly to myself, about purchases I needed to make in order to "be where we need to be" in February. (we will sit on the phone for hours late at night-he doing his work, me doing mine, or just watching the same TV show together:)) As I rambled on and on about Math U See needs, he asked me specifically which programs I needed...I went on about one child needing Gamma, another two needing Zeta...He asked me how to spell Math U See, and I realized he was looking for the website...I asked him what he was doing and after about 3 minutes of silence, he said "sending you math"...He ordered and paid for what I needed-simple as that...I was blown away!!! I have never met anyone so kind and wonderful!!!!! I have no real words for this man that fit-AMAZING just doesn't cover it!!!!
I need to rest my fingers for a bit, watch some playoff football (awesome Patriots!!!), and call him to say "I love you":)
We are only doing a few subjects right now-Finishing up some things from Fall, like Math U See Epsilon, a few HOAC lapbooks (art appreciation, gravity...) and some astronomy lessons...(see post below). We will start back to fulltime lessons on February 4th. We will then be doing a myriad of things like the Penguins and Economics lapbooks from HOAC, more Math U See for all, and our regular programs:) I am so excited!!!
My man, my bf David, is the best guy on the planet...I am NOT kidding!:) He is a single guy who never planned on children....Imagine the shock when he met a lady online with FOUR children:) He was very nervous at first (scared to death more likely, LOL) but soon fell in love with my crowd and now it just "is" what it is:) The kids, BTW, adore him as well:) David listens ENDLESSLY to my almost constant homeschool chatter-we are currently long distance, but spend hours on the phone each night:) He probably knows more about what we "do" as homeschoolers, and the "whys" as well, then the children's father. (not probably, definitely) He is SO supportive and kind and interested....\
SO, how great is he??? I could go on forever about it, but the latest amazing thing that he has done is this: while on the phone the other night, I was rambling, mostly to myself, about purchases I needed to make in order to "be where we need to be" in February. (we will sit on the phone for hours late at night-he doing his work, me doing mine, or just watching the same TV show together:)) As I rambled on and on about Math U See needs, he asked me specifically which programs I needed...I went on about one child needing Gamma, another two needing Zeta...He asked me how to spell Math U See, and I realized he was looking for the website...I asked him what he was doing and after about 3 minutes of silence, he said "sending you math"...He ordered and paid for what I needed-simple as that...I was blown away!!! I have never met anyone so kind and wonderful!!!!! I have no real words for this man that fit-AMAZING just doesn't cover it!!!!
I need to rest my fingers for a bit, watch some playoff football (awesome Patriots!!!), and call him to say "I love you":)
Sunday, January 06, 2008
DEEP BREATH-WHew!!! Back to School:)
I am a maniac:) I have had such a blast being locked away for hours this week doing nothing BUT homeschool planning:) I had forgotten how much fun it was to just browse and take notes all day:) I rarely get the time to just "browse" homeschool. My best find to date has been the whole lapbooking thing. It amazes me-what some people can create:) I have been completely obsessed with for the last few months, and was part of their whole "Black Friday Cyber Crash sale;) LOL.....Their new site is up, BTW, and it's better then ever.
We are anxious to get back to lessons-the kids are bored and the sound of remote vehicles hitting the walls is getting a bit nervy....:)
The older two will be continuing their fractions exploration with Math-U-See, and the youngest will begin Alpha...Hopefully my middle son will start Gamma in the next two months-I am still trying to get a good deal online....Skye wants to be in Pre-Algebra by summer, which would mean she's made INCREDIBLE progress in the last year:) We will also complete science units-Astronomy-we found and used this awesome curriculum at Kids Astronomy. com. The lessons come in two levels, run for 8 weeks, and offer many activities that can include web quests. I printed each lesson out as a daily study. My kids did the upper level, for ages 12-18, and really like it. We will also be finishing up an art appreciation program, and a lapbook from HOAC on Gravity...Ohhh, and some African History:) This will carry us through til February, when we will start all subjects again, fulltime:)
I have a lot more planning to do. I plan to work more hours, which means things need to be more planned out here-chores, meals, shopping lists. Skye starts babysitting part time this month, so that will limit my schedule as well. My brain hurts:)
I have discovered so many great homeschool blogs in recent weeks:) It's amazing and encouraging to find so many energetic, motivated moms:)
We are anxious to get back to lessons-the kids are bored and the sound of remote vehicles hitting the walls is getting a bit nervy....:)
The older two will be continuing their fractions exploration with Math-U-See, and the youngest will begin Alpha...Hopefully my middle son will start Gamma in the next two months-I am still trying to get a good deal online....Skye wants to be in Pre-Algebra by summer, which would mean she's made INCREDIBLE progress in the last year:) We will also complete science units-Astronomy-we found and used this awesome curriculum at Kids Astronomy. com. The lessons come in two levels, run for 8 weeks, and offer many activities that can include web quests. I printed each lesson out as a daily study. My kids did the upper level, for ages 12-18, and really like it. We will also be finishing up an art appreciation program, and a lapbook from HOAC on Gravity...Ohhh, and some African History:) This will carry us through til February, when we will start all subjects again, fulltime:)
I have a lot more planning to do. I plan to work more hours, which means things need to be more planned out here-chores, meals, shopping lists. Skye starts babysitting part time this month, so that will limit my schedule as well. My brain hurts:)
I have discovered so many great homeschool blogs in recent weeks:) It's amazing and encouraging to find so many energetic, motivated moms:)
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Now that The Ball Has Dropped-Happy New Year!
So, it's all over:) I can't believe what I pulled off in the last three months to get through the holidays, but I DID IT, and now it's OVER:) Life can go on, jeez!
I am excited about the fresh new year-though I quit my job on Sunday and have no idea what I will be doing next-obviously SOMETHING, and something QUICKLY-single moms need to work:) I got ROYALLY screwed over at my last job-I saw it coming, but still managed to hide behind my insane sense of trust. I canNOT believe what they did to me, and how dirty and sneaky they were, but then, I couldn't believe ALOT of things about Ruby Tuesday....What a mass of junk-at my store was...They messed with SO many people...I only hope others will simply move on as well. Enough on that...Moving on!
My daughter and I traveled far and wide during the holidays, met many amazing people and had a GREAT holiday:) We visited my incredible man in Durham, then traveled to meet his awesome family in Asheville-which is one of the coolest places on Earth:) David's family was wonderful and fabulously interesting-family visiting from Singapore, family working with NASA, a dad that keep my daughter in stitches for days, a mom full of love and humor, and nephews too adorable to describe. I was, without a doubt, one of the best holidays of my life:) Then David came her to Maryland to visit with us for several days-too awesome for words:)
I now move on, finding room in our house for all the gifts that my four children received, looking for a new place to work, preparing for a new semester of lessons....Life is good:)
New Years is a great time-new starts, new beginnings, and time to reinvent, renew and refresh. I plan to start it well, happy, secure and rather please at making yet another year as a single homeschooling mom of four-we are going into our third year as such:) I am SO happy with the choices that I have made in my life this last few years, and only hope to continue following the paths of my choice-no matter how difficult it may be at times. Undoubtedly, the BEST thing that has happened in the past year or so is David-a man TRULY like no other....
Gotta run, too much to do tonight....:)
Happy New Year!!!!
So, it's all over:) I can't believe what I pulled off in the last three months to get through the holidays, but I DID IT, and now it's OVER:) Life can go on, jeez!
I am excited about the fresh new year-though I quit my job on Sunday and have no idea what I will be doing next-obviously SOMETHING, and something QUICKLY-single moms need to work:) I got ROYALLY screwed over at my last job-I saw it coming, but still managed to hide behind my insane sense of trust. I canNOT believe what they did to me, and how dirty and sneaky they were, but then, I couldn't believe ALOT of things about Ruby Tuesday....What a mass of junk-at my store was...They messed with SO many people...I only hope others will simply move on as well. Enough on that...Moving on!
My daughter and I traveled far and wide during the holidays, met many amazing people and had a GREAT holiday:) We visited my incredible man in Durham, then traveled to meet his awesome family in Asheville-which is one of the coolest places on Earth:) David's family was wonderful and fabulously interesting-family visiting from Singapore, family working with NASA, a dad that keep my daughter in stitches for days, a mom full of love and humor, and nephews too adorable to describe. I was, without a doubt, one of the best holidays of my life:) Then David came her to Maryland to visit with us for several days-too awesome for words:)
I now move on, finding room in our house for all the gifts that my four children received, looking for a new place to work, preparing for a new semester of lessons....Life is good:)
New Years is a great time-new starts, new beginnings, and time to reinvent, renew and refresh. I plan to start it well, happy, secure and rather please at making yet another year as a single homeschooling mom of four-we are going into our third year as such:) I am SO happy with the choices that I have made in my life this last few years, and only hope to continue following the paths of my choice-no matter how difficult it may be at times. Undoubtedly, the BEST thing that has happened in the past year or so is David-a man TRULY like no other....
Gotta run, too much to do tonight....:)
Happy New Year!!!!
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