David has decided to spoil me to death with a Visa gift card that will surely fill my closet with many new Fall items, including something new for the wedding next Saturday (NOT MINE!!!!:)), and to top it off, he will be HERE in five days and I canNOT wait to touch him and see his beautiful face again....Are people my age allowed to be this in love???? LOL! It's been almost a year and a half, and I just fall deeper and deeper each day....My head spins with the very thought of him, and he is SO GOOD to me-to US, me and my children...God, the kids are NUTS about him, and he, them. Julian wouldn't even go to bed tonight without calling to say goodnight to him:)
I love football-the sound of it on TV, the colors of the jerseys, the history of the sport (which is very much MY history:)). I am SHOCKED, so SHOCKED, at todays score of the Ravens game and momentarily pretending that it didn't happen....LOL, that's the only thing that makes bartending on Sunday worthwhile....I LOVE having those old guys come in for beer, treat me like a young little blond...Then I lay my football knowhow on them and they are just dumbfounded:) I love talking "oldschool" with them...All the names I grew up with-Donovan, Unitas, Moore, Jones....I love telling them that my dad brags about my throwing arm in front of my children, I love the fact that my boys-and daughter-will always remember MOM as the one who taught them how to throw the ball...I love that part of my past-It's one of the few things that I remember with love about my youth....Football:) Who would've thought?

So, it's Fall, officially, and I am happy. In love, content, feeling a bit accomplished after a particularly good week of work....And, it's October:)
David will be here in five days....I CAN'T wait....Jeez, the weeks DO fly by, but I still want him HERE, all the time....I really do....This week is full of lessons, plans, work, chores....We are trying to get ready for a yardsale, but I am not sure when and how that will happen with meetings and weddings and visits from David going on....We want to get to Durham for a few days as well before the weather get cold....We still have money on our cards from funnest place on Earth-Frankies:) (go carts, batting cages, bumber boats, video games, laser tag, putt putt and more:))
Oh, I have to run-or go to bed actually-couldn;t run if you paid me to:) I am SO tired and Tomorrow is a DAY OFF! (of work, not much else:))
It's OCTOBER!!!!!!
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