Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Wow...it's been a month since I got my site up and running...a little bit longer, actually...and I had planned to have it completely updated by May 5th, but...well, that's not going to happen!
Lots is going on here at the homestead, mostly the fact that my husband has lost his job. We found out two Fridays back, that his company was not merging, as promised for months, but liquidating....we sort of found that out when we heard through the grapevine that the company's owner had landed a job elsewhere....not fun.
Fortunately, my dh was offered another position at his parttime job just days before this happened, so a quick phone call saved us...Unfortunately, we were so far behind on our bills due to the problems already existing in the make up of the company, we are in dire straights now. We are literally taking food from neighbors and family, and rolling pennies for gas money....It doesn't help that the company is witholding the last three weeks (and for some five) of paychecks....it doesn't help at all.
We will survive.
My biggest challenge at the moment is changing our entire schedules around. He will be working 2pm-12, four days a week....after years of working 6am to 4pm...it is a huge adjustment with lessons, sleep schedules, and meal planning....who wants to cook dinner at 11 am???? It will take some major adjusting, major planning, and lots of patience...everything needs to be changed!
This schedule will offer me some of my life back, however-giving me childfree-husband free hours each night betweem 9:30 and 12! Hopefully I will have the site updated in the next few days, and brimming with new info and insites, the articles are complete, I just need to get them onto the pages and onto the server...
Send me some positive energy, K???

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