Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I awoke this morning with a strange feeling in my stomach. As I booted the computer and opened the blinds a small child appeared from behind. I turned to look at the child, sizing him up for the days activities...yes, you are the right size...yes, you can carry small loads of trash, yes, you can sort through bins and place toys, supplies, legos and trash into appropriate piles. YES, you CAN!
Immediately, the house was in a flurry of activity, as children ran to hide, ran to find lost reports that needed final copies done...ran to escape PURGE WEEK!!!
There IS, no escape. The week is here, lessons start next week, mommy is barely surviving in the after holiday clutter, and the time is NOW!
Today was an extra special day of purging for me: I emptied boxes that were still sitting packed, on storage shelves in the laundry room, from the house before this one. All trash...things I somehow thought were important enough to carry to our new home, and keep for almost 7 years! It has to go!
I strongly encourage ALL homeschooling moms to get organized. Have entire weeks scheduled during your year, to do nothing but. Try NOT to look at it as work, but as something renewing, find a way to relax, turn on some music, allow yourself the chance to "listen" to some incredibly bad daytime TV (you certainly won't miss it when you turn it off next week!!!) I love sitting in my piles of books, papers, notes, software, flashcards and art supplies, sorting, sipping green tea..(thanking my stars that I am not a guest on Maury Povich...) I love to get things ready for a new season, have things organized, where they can easily be found. I love going through the shelves, finding the Glow in the Dark book of stars-we forgot to use that...finding books my kids were not on level to read last time, and adding them to our curriculum. I love to look at the straight shelves, organized bins, stacks of paper, notebooks, preschool games and math manipulatives...and feel a sweep of accomplishment. It helps to start the year, the season, off right!

Tomorrow, the kitchen!!!!

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