Saturday, January 24, 2004

Wow...I thought I was well rested...then I pooped out at 11:30 last night, slept straight thropugh til 5 am, then again til 7....then again til almost 9....(of course, I used those awake times to take care of kids, laundry, blinds, heat, a zombie...) I could have slept all day-and that is NOT like me. I think I over did it the last couple of days...
No plans to work out today, I am taking a day off. I hope that I am not getting a cold...that's what I feel like....ugh....working out might make me feel better, but it might make me more exhausted as well....and it's getting late....web design is calling me....(my newest "old" obsession....!)
We have to get through lessons today, but I can note and build while they do certain subjects and projects....I am seeing HTML is my sleep...still don't get a bunch of it...all the fancy stuff for effects and stuff, but the basics are simple and I can read and edit it quite well. Mostly I use drop and drag on Cool Page (which is free and uploads to FTP servers!) I need to get my paintshop installed again for graphic though....
I need to go shower and get chores knocked out....this big fuzzy cloud over my head isn't going away by itself....
Happy Homeschooling!

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